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  • 来源:广东利天下知识产权代理有限公司 更新时间:2019-10-26点击:209次
  • 亚马逊借助知识产权保护开拓法律服务领域



      亚马逊负责全球客户信任与合作伙伴支持业务的副总裁达哈梅什.梅塔(Dhamesh Mehta)表示:“专业的法律指导非常重要,这有助于企业保护品牌,避免在商标申请过程中因为某些失误而付出昂贵的代价。知识产权加速器将解决企业面临的此类挑战,一批可信赖的知识产权律所将以优惠的价格为企业提供高质量的商标注册服务。如果企业通过这些律所提交商标申请,亚马逊可为其品牌提供快速保护。”亚马逊已经发布了参与该项目的知识产权律所清单,这些律所将以事先协商的价格提供标准化的服务。获得注册的品牌能自动获得品牌保护,亚马逊会阻止有问题的商品链接出现在其商店中。获得注册的品牌还可以通过“侵权报告工具”搜索和报告有问题的商品链接。


      In a move that could point to possible future directions for the technology giant, Amazon has announced its “Amazon Intellectual Property Accelerator” service, “a new program that helps brands more quickly obtain intellectual property (IP) rights and brand protection in Amazon’s stores”.

      Amazon Marketplace, the section of Amazon’s site where third-party sellers use Amazon’s infrastructure to sell products, accounts for around a third of Amazon’s total online sales, but the sale of counterfeit goods via this route has been a long-standing issue. The launch of Amazon’s IP Accelerator could be a decisive step towards strengthening brand protection and IP rights for third-party sellers, thereby reducing counterfeit sales, as well as an indication that Amazon might be looking to extend its reach into the provision of legal services.

      According to Amazon’s Vice President of Customer Trust and Partner Support, Dharmesh Mehta: “Expert legal guidance is critical for businesses to protect their brands and avoid costly mistakes in the trademark filing process. IP Accelerator solves this challenge by connecting businesses with a curated network of trusted IP law firms that provide high quality trademark registration services at competitive rates to help brands secure a trademark. When businesses use these law firms to file trademark applications, Amazon provides their brands with accelerated access to brand protection in Amazon’s stores”.

      Amazon has already issued a list of “participating IP law firms”, who it says will charge “pre-negotiated rates for the standard services involved in obtaining a trademark registration”. It says that registered brands “will benefit from automated brand protections, which proactively block bad listings from Amazon’s stores … and access to [Amazon’s] Report a Violation tool, a powerful tool to search for and report bad listings that have made it past [Amazon’s] automated protections”.(

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